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Freedom and Response

It's Friday and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Our Sunday School begins at 9:50 and worship begins at 10:50. Sunday is also Fellowship Dinner day. What a great time to bring a friend! The message Sunday will be "All of Me" and the text is Luke 14:25-33. When Jesus asks us to give our all, what is he really saying? Let's talk about it Sunday. Here is today's devotional from "Connect the Testaments."

September 16: Freedom and Response Micah 4:1–6:16; Acts 14:8–15:21; Job 23:1–17 Freedom from sin gives us the power to love. But freedom from poverty or oppression or guilt sometimes makes us complacent. We forget our inclination to wander away from God’s will and pursue our own, and we overlook that God will eventually call us to account. Although Micah prophesied during a time of prosperity in Israel, it was also a time of spiritual deficiency. The powerful were oppressing the weak (Mic 2:1–2; 3:2–3) politically and economically.

Micah holds Israel to account in this passage. The prophet paints a courtroom scene with God judging His people for their unfaithfulness: “He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does Yahweh ask from you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Mic 6:8).

The mountains and the hills listen as Yahweh accuses Israel, and the evidence He presents is startling. God has been active and present in His people’s lives, turning what was meant for evil into good. He brought Israel out of slavery in Egypt. When Balaam tried to curse Israel on behalf of Balak, the Moabite king, God turned that curse into blessing.

We know where we stand in the courtroom drama. Our sins condemn us, but God has provided new evidence that changes our fates. What prosecuting attorney becomes a defender of the accused—a mediator claiming their cause? Through His Son, God frees us from our sin. Indeed, we should say with awe and humility, “Who is a God like you?” Our story should be a response of humility and love for God. What story will your life tell? REBECCA VAN NOORD John D. Barry and Rebecca Kruyswijk, Connect the Testaments: A One-Year Daily Devotional with Bible Reading Plan (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012).

*** I will be gone next week and am leaving right after church. There is NOT be any devotionals next week as I am taking some much needed R&R. I will be back in the pulpit on Sunday.

Have a blessed weekend.

Pastor Joe

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