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Staying the Course

Good Monday morning! I hope you all had a great weekend. Yesterday we talked about the importance of a Sabbath rest. Are you consciously taking a day of rest? It is good for both your body and your soul. On Sunday, November 20th, we will be decorating the sanctuary for the Advent season during the Sunday School hour. Yes, Advent. The 1st Sunday of Advent is November 27. Also, be thinking about being a reader to light the Advent wreath during the Advent season. The Sundays will be November 27, December 4,11, 18, and on Christmas Eve. All readers will be given the reading materials in advance. Thank you, this is always a special time at the church. Here is today's devotional from "Connect the Testaments."

November 14: Staying the Course 1 Kings 19:1–20:25; Mark 11:1–33; Proverbs 4:18–27

“May your eyes look forward and your gaze be straight before you. May the path of your foot be balanced and all your ways be sure. Do not swerve right or left; remove your foot from evil” (Prov 4:25–27).

These verses reflect someone who has incredible purpose. I imagine an acrobat walking a tightrope—knees bent, one foot carefully placed in front of the other, and nothing but a slender rope keeping him from plummeting to the ground. Such efforts would require incredible calm, effort, and focus—especially focus. The body naturally follows the path of our eyes, which is detrimental if we’re focused on the wrong thing.

The idea of staying the course illustrates God’s path and purpose for us. When we act, speak, and follow that path, we are carrying out His will for our lives. But there’s a problem: We can’t. All of our efforts are tainted. Our knees are bound to buckle, we’re sure to misstep, and it’s just a matter of time before we swerve to our own disadvantage.

Before we lose hope, though, we can remember God’s sacrifice. Jesus’ work of redeeming us has reversed our fate. The threat is gone—and that changes everything. Our lives are infused with the incredible purpose of His costly death. We have a renewed sense of hope because of His resurrection.

The cross puts everything in perspective. It is the new focus of our gaze. From His sacrifice to the time when redemption is complete, we are meant to live intentional lives that reflect His purpose. Keeping our eyes on Him helps us to stay on the path.

How are you staying the course?


John D. Barry and Rebecca Kruyswijk, Connect the Testaments: A One-Year Daily Devotional with Bible Reading Plan (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012).

Have a blessed day. Pastor Joe

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